@TWG: bei mir ist da kein Spalt
Das ist aber auch kein Optimus 2.0, oder ?
Sniper 21 .
Dann hat John diesen Punkt korrigiert,war letztes Jahr noch ein absichtlich ausgeführtes Feature seiner MT.Deswegen die Frage ob dein MT mit Velcro ausgeliefert wurde..Hatte längere Diskussion mit ihm darüber,bin aber mit seiner Idee dahinter nicht konform.
Viel Spass noch mit dem Optimus.
Jetzt bin ich neugierig: was war denn seine Idee dahinter ?
Ich kenne das nämlich auch nicht, also den Spalt.
Ich:Just to let you know, don’t know if you designed this way or if there is a production mistake.
The velcro you put on filled the gap visibly but the limb is laying with the complete draw weight on the ilf bushing.I noticed it due to marks I saw on the dovetail.
The depth is 5mm, on all my other risers its minimum of 6,2mm up to 7mm.Measured from top of limb pocket to the inside ground of the dovetail
John:.That’s how a ilf limbs is s'upposed to sit . It was designed to be like that . I didn’t design it to be like other ilf risers
Some ilf bushings on certain limbs are shorter so some have no gap . I took a average off 5 sets of different limbs . 9 out of 10 guys shoot ilf risers with tiller bolts backed out because they get limbs to heavy . So when they back them out more than one or 2 turns the bushing in the limb actually runs out of pivot room in the dovetail on the riser and there hardly isn’t any pressure on the tip of the limb under the tiller bolts so all the stress is going right at the fade out . Having the depth shallower keeps the pressure where it’s supposed to be on the limbs and also makes it quieter to shoot and deader .
And on top of that most guys always put Velcro or felt there under the limb to quieten them down and makes them to tight of fit.
I have a customer who is 33.5 inch draw length . He would break limbs quite often right at the fade outs on various risers and various model limbs . He’s been shooting a Optimus 2.0 Wich is designed the same way now for a year or more on same limbs with no issues . So it works like it supposed to .
Jun 5, 2022
So if I understand you correctly, you say the limb should not lay on the pocket within your design?
The bushing should press against the dovetail and therefore all the weight is on that connecting point, and not between pocket and limb butt ??
John:Yes how you see it is how it should be
the design works well . I’ve sold a bunch of risers with it like that .Ilf is supposed to rest in the bushing .Even if you have pocket contact it’s supposed to put the load on the bushing . I’ve chatted with many ilf limb makers before doing it and was told that by all of them .