Hier ist die Definition der IFAA, welche schon oder bald für den DFBV gilt. Ein Kamprichter meinte neulich, die WA wird die gleichen Kriterien wählen:
(Auszeichnungen von mir)
7. Longbow - (LB)
a. A bow of any material, which can be either an one piece bow or a bow that can be taken down in two parts and put together again as a one piece bow within the handle (only shared once in the handle), which when strung displays one continued unidirectional curve, which is measured as follows:
When the strung bow is placed with the bowstring in a vertical position, the angle as measured between the tangent of any point on the limb and an imaginary horizontal line must always decrease as this point is moved further away from the bow grip.
Where there is any doubt as to the continuing curve of the limb then a string-line laid from the end of the riser fade out to the commencement of the tip overlays (or if there are no overlays then the point at which the bow string is held in the nock groove) on the back of the strung bow shall show no gaps between the string line and the bow limb.