Archers Campfire

Video über Collenberg

Offline OddBow

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@OddBow, mein Freund, warst du denn in Collenberg schon mal im Parcours? Wenn ich am 01.09. auf dem Rückweg von meinem Sehnenwurschteln bin, könnte ich da einen Zwischenstopp einlegen....   :bow:

Ich war bisher ein Mal dort. ;D
1.9. würde klargehen. :yes: Um 10 dort?

(kleiner Vorbehalt - muss erst mit meiner schwangeren Göttin Rücksprache halten ;P)
Rudi Weick Caiman 66 " & 34#@32"

Offline Absinth

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Puhh..., 10 Uhr? Da muss ich aber beim Kundmüller zeitig aufstehen... und "glaube" mir, auch schwangere Göttinnen wollen mal ihre Ruhe haben…   ;)

Den Rest können wir ja untereinander ausmachen bzw. setze ich mein Angebot  8)  noch in den entsprechenden Thread (Wer hat Zeit oder so ähnlich).

BG. Absinth

Offline Stringwistler

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Puhh..., 10 Uhr? Da muss ich aber beim Kundmüller zeitig aufstehen... und "glaube" mir, auch schwangere Göttinnen wollen mal ihre Ruhe haben…   ;)

Den Rest können wir ja untereinander ausmachen bzw. setze ich mein Angebot  8)  noch in den entsprechenden Thread (Wer hat Zeit oder so ähnlich).

BG. Absinth

Wenn du beim Kundmüller seiner Bierverköstigung der 25 Sorten abends ins Bett fällst, stehst du morgens um 10 uhr quies in Collenberg ned auf der Mattn.... :Achtung:
« Letzte Änderung: August 07, 2019, 07:37:16 Nachmittag von Stringwistler »
Servusla, Gruß Guidl...

58"Spätzchen TD v.Chris😉
Stegmeyer TD- Hybrid 60"40lb@30"
Gravity Janus 17"ILF mit dito.
White Feather Lark 19"Junxing Pharos Hybr.63",
Jensbows Rayden 64"-38lb.3stripes-rubyred, 65"ILF-Amey XGS Ghosthand+Bosenbows doplCarbonFoamLB

Offline Ari

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Uih, uhi, uhi!!
Könnte eine kleine Herausforderung werden!  :Achtung:
(Muss aber net!)  ;)
Wenn du den Bogen in die Hand nimmst,
der Pfeil auf der Sehne liegt, ändert sich dein Leben! Instinkte werden geweckt, längst verschollen und unterdrückt. Du spannst den Bogen zum Kreis der alles umschließt
und im Moment des Lösens freigibt. Du bist der Bogen, du bist der Pfeil, du bist das Ziel!

Offline 3darchery

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Yep, this is Greg from 3D Archery. Glad to be a part of this forum. Read some of the comments and, well I have to reply.

It was asked:
"Why should not there be a public 3D course in the US? That's legally regulated differently than ours. But that makes no difference in practice as a consumer de facto. That's a bit like saying nobody in the US can communicate because almost nobody speaks German."

There are next to no public 3D courses here in the US. Why? Insurance Liability. We here in the US are sue crazy, we will sue over anything. Because of that we have become risk adverse. Also, the vast majority of courses belong to what we call "Rod & Gun Clubs", they are member only clubs and only have public shoots maybe once a month (the goal is to generate income). The rest of the time the course is closed to the public. Like anything else in life, there are exceptions, but they are few are far between as they say.

As for this comment from another forum (Which seems to be closed):

"This user with his lousy, arrogant comments has contributed a large part to the fact that the mood in the FA is tilted. Just give it up, his conclusion is a clear proof that he has no plan of what he writes."

I do no "hate" FA, in fact I respect those who do it well. What I will say, is that it is not for me. Read into that what you may. Here in the US, FA looks down on 3D, they call 3D a short term craze. 3D Archers are looks on as inferior to FA. I will admit to not having a "detailed" knowledge of FA, I only shoot it three times. But in those three times I realized it was not for me.


Offline Landbub

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Here in the US, FA looks down on 3D, they call 3D a short term craze.

That's different here. However, we know such things very well, as the "FITA shooters" tend to denigrate the "woodlings". FITA shooter are only those with Recurce and sight, as this is the olympic way of shooting and the only truth. Following that, Compounders, who are as well shooting in 50m competitions are much more relaxed and ofthen shoot FA and 3D as well. So some story, just different flavour.
Abonniert bitte
Das motiviert meine Jugendgruppe ganz enorm, hier weitere Videos zu produzieren.

Alles, was du zur Zniper Auflage wissen musst:


  • Gast
Hi Greg, good to have you here, a warm welcome!

You were actually quoting me „The user with his arrogant comments...“ BUT there is a little misunderstanding going on here. With FA I was referring to another forum (Free Archers) not field archery.
I‘m a big field guy btw, love the challenge even with gear not typically associated with it, horsebows for example but of course also barebow and stuff.

Love your channel!

Offline 3darchery

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Thanks for the kind words and the information. My bad, I just took FA to mean Field Archery. The biggest downside to YouTube is the haters. Best part is some of those that I met in person, We got along just fine. Only had a few get belligerent. I'm looking to going back to Austria and possibly Italy in 2021. I just love the Archery in Germany and Austria, it is so much better than here.