@cayuga: lies dir mal bitte den Text von Easton, die haben sich das mal genauer angeschaut (und zwar genauer als das hier jemand machen kann)
The tapered shaft concept is thousands of years old. Ancient archers knew that by tapering the rear of the shaft and maintaining a bigger diameter in the front of the shaft, the arrow had better performance. For one thing, the tapered shape slightly reduces drag while producing a higher front-of-center balance with equivalent overall weight. But most of all, for a finger shooter, a correctly designed rear taper can provide a more forgiving behavior in the event of small release variations.
Auch dort wird Front Taper beschrieben
Today, specialty designs such as the Easton X10 ProTour have been introduced with a reverse taper- with a more aerodynamic front, an overall smaller profile, and much stiffer rear portion, for better compound bow launch and downrange performance. This design was proven by being used to set most of the existing compound bow world records, and to earn the vast majority of medals, from the time of its introduction a decade ago, through today.
« Letzte Änderung: November 08, 2020, 05:10:09 Nachmittag von roscho »
Bogenschiessen ist einfach, aber nicht leicht

"Der intuitive Geist ist ein heiliges Geschenk,
und der rationale Verstand ein treuer Diener.
Wir haben eine Gesellschaft erschaffen,
die den Diener ehrt und das Geschenk vergessen hat."
* Albert Einstein