Leider finde ich die Aktuelle Sportordnung des DSB in der die Klasse Traditionell festgelegt wird nicht, allerdings hab ich einen Schrieb des WA Komitee gefunden.
https://extranet.worldarchery.sport/documents/index.php/?doc=5849&inline=1&fbclid=IwAR0nUSWLGZ3D1rySqOH8vyRL-RN-yXGaueQruf9s-8YSPQbvt1kyU4eMxKs [Book 4, Chapter 22, Article 22.4.1] – “The riser is of laminated construction and includes
wooden laminates or made of one piece of wood.”
If the riser includes wood laminates, the riser must contain at least two wood laminates within
the original construction of the riser. The wood laminates must be present through the entire
length of the riser to be legal. Any wood laminates must be visible and easily verified as wood
by a judge. Painting, or coating the riser so that the wood laminates are not visible may lead to
disqualification of the bow. There is no restriction on the length of the riser.
Book 4, Chapter 22, Article 22.4.1 – “Bows may have adjustable limbs for poundage and tiller
The limb pockets at each end of the riser may allow for adjustment of poundage (draw weight), tiller and
lateral alignment.
Book 4, Chapter 22, Article – “When shooting, the index finger or middle finger must be
within 3 mm of the nock or touch the nock (split finger or 3 fingers under). When shooting split finger,
a finger separator between the fingers to prevent pinching may be used. A single anchor or face
walking is permitted. String walking is not permitted.”
The athlete may choose to shoot with either three fingers under the nock or with one finger above the
nock and the remaining finger(s) below the nock. The athlete may not change finger position on the string
during the competition as this is string walking and is not permitted.
World Archery Technical Committee and Field and 3D Archery Committee
November 22, 2021
Approved by the World Archery C&R Committee December 31, 202
Ich habe auch eine Diskussion von Sid Ball gefunden in dem er erklärt das zwei Laminate aus Holz im MT reichen um zur Traditionell Klasse zu gehören (wenn Laminate die durch die ganze Länge des MT gehen).
Dh. das White Feather Lark ist in der Klasse Traditionell erlaubt.